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injury rate中文是什么意思

用"injury rate"造句"injury rate"怎么读"injury rate" in a sentence


  • 工伤率
  • 受伤率
  • 损伤率
  • "injury"中文翻译    n. 1.损害,毁坏,伤害。 2.伤害的行为。 3.受伤 ...
  • "rate"中文翻译    vt.,vi. 〔方言〕=ret.
  • "disabling injury frequency rate" 中文翻译 :    残伤频率; 造成缺勤的工伤发生率
  • "disabling injury severity rate" 中文翻译 :    残伤严重程度频率; 工伤缺勤率
  • "injury recovery rate" 中文翻译 :    伤愈率
  • "injury severity rate" 中文翻译 :    受害剧烈程度
  • "rate of severe injury" 中文翻译 :    负伤严重率
  • "difr = disabling injury frequency rate" 中文翻译 :    造成缺勤的工伤发生率
  • "disr = disabling injury severity rate" 中文翻译 :    工伤缺勤率
  • "injury" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.损害,毁坏,伤害。 2.伤害的行为。 3.受伤处。 suffer severe injuries 受重伤。 add insult to injury 伤害之外又加侮辱。 be an injury to 伤害…,危害…,对…有害。 do sb. an injury = do an injury to sb. 伤害某人。
  • "no injury" 中文翻译 :    没受伤
  • "a rate of" 中文翻译 :    按的比率
  • "at a rate of" 中文翻译 :    按的比率; 以...速度
  • "at a … rate" 中文翻译 :    以……速度发展
  • "at that rate" 中文翻译 :    那样的话;照那种情形; 照那种情形
  • "at the rate of" 中文翻译 :    按的比率; 按……价目; 以速度; 以……的比率; 以……速度/速率; 以……速度或比率
  • "at this rate" 中文翻译 :    以这样的比率,价格或速度; 照此速度,照这样下去; 这样的话,照此速度; 这样地话
  • "rate" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.比率,率;速度,进度;程度;(钟的快慢)差率。 2.价格;行市,行情;估价,评价;费,费用,运费。 3.(船或船员的)等级。 4.〔常 pl. 〕捐税;〔英国〕地方税。 5.程度,方式,情况,样子。 the birth [death] rate 出生[死亡]率。 the seed rate 播种率。 the fuel rate 燃料消耗率。 rate cutting 减低运费[保险费]。 the rate of interest 利率。 the rotation rate 转速。 rates of exchange =exchange =rates 外汇率,汇价,汇兑行情。 postal rates 邮费。 railroad rates 铁路运费。 rate of profit 利润率。 rate of surplus value 剩余价值率。 the first rate 头等的,上等的。 Things are going first-rate. 事情进行顺畅。 rates and taxes 地方税和国税。 the poor rate 〔英国〕贫民救济税。 at a good [terrible] rate 以相当[惊人]的速度。 at a great rate 以高速度,飞快地;大大地,非常地。 at a high [low] rate 以高[低]价 ( live at a high rate 生活豪华)。 at all rates 无论如何,一定要。 at an easy rate 非常容易地,毫不费力地。 at any rate 总而言之,无论如何。 at that [this] rate 〔口语〕那[这]种样子,照那[这]种情形 ( If you go on at that rate, you will injure your health. 你如果照这样子继续下去,你会损害健康的)。 at the rate of 按…的比例;以…的速度。 be (come) on the rates (贫民)受救济。 by no rate 决没有…。 give special rates 各(特惠)折扣。 rate of climb 【航空】上升速度。 vt. 1.估价,评价〔常用被动语态〕。 2.看做,认为。 3.征(地方)税;定(船、船员的)等级;测定(钟表等的)快慢;〔美国〕给…批分数;〔美国〕按一定运费运输。 4.〔美俚〕有…的价值[资格],值得。 rated age 【保险】标准年龄。 rated current 额定电流。 rated horse-power 额定马力。 rate up (按危险情况)提高保险费。 vi. 1.被估价,被评价。 2.有(某种)价值。 3.列于(某一)等级,列入。 The ship rates as a ship of the line. 这条船列入战列舰级。 rate with sb. 得某人好评。 vt.,vi. 申斥,斥责,骂。 vt.,vi. 〔方言〕=ret.
  • "rate of" 中文翻译 :    危房率
  • "the rate of" 中文翻译 :    以速度
  • "abdominal injury" 中文翻译 :    腹部损伤
  • "accidental injury" 中文翻译 :    意外伤害过失伤害
  • "acromelic injury" 中文翻译 :    四末受伤
  • "actionable injury" 中文翻译 :    可进行诉讼的伤害
  • "acu-injury" 中文翻译 :    针害


  • A failure to warm up and prepare adequately for the exercise has been identified as causing the surprising injury rate
  • Nicole walsh , the owner of body mind life yoga studio , said she had not experienced the injury rate found in the survey
  • Sports physician dr peter larkins said yoga was not inherently dangerous but the injury rate showed many participants were not doing it correctly
  • Moreover , the injury rates of the nutrient organs ( the height of the plants , the lengthen and the width of the leaves ) were different when the dose was changed
    另外, m1代营养器官(株高、叶长、叶宽)的数量指标损伤度随着剂量的变化而不同,最显著地表现为株高明显降低。
  • Although exact numbers are hard to come by , the international labor organization estimates that on - the - job fatalities in china are five times more common than in the u . s . and that injury rates are considerably higher
  • In china , because the grade crossing is master in urban road traffic , the occurrence probability of side impact accident is highest , its death rate is only next to front impact ’ s death rate , but the injury rate is first
  • Thirdly , the changes of peroxidase ( pod ) activity and the analysis of the enzyme spectrum in the morphological different stage in the arabidopsis thaliana were tested . the result indicated that the relation of dose and the activit y was consistent with that of dose and the injury rates of the nutrient organs
用"injury rate"造句  


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